Archives for August 2011

Cooking with Sweet Summer Corn: A-Maize-Ing

Besides being my birthday month, August reminds me of the bountiful sweet corn harvest.  I’ve watched many of the farms transform themselves from barren dirt-covered fields to boastful symmetrical rows of the lushest, rigid corn stalks jutting up towards the sky. Lucky for me, all of the farmer’s markets on the east end of Long Island have set up their “Sweet Corn Here” signs to lure consumers (like me) to check out their selection of ears.  Corn ear pyramids piled high on tables decorate the stalls, completing the tail-end summer crop … [Read more...]

Reflections at 40…

The first forty years of life give us the text, the next thirty supply the commentary on it. ~ Schopenhauer 40 years ago, my mother brought me into this world. For the next 37 years, my birthdays were etched with her in the picture.  Since I'm a summer birthday I spent most of my celebrations with Mom.  Even after college, when I immediately moved to NYC, my first phone call every August 8th was always from Mom.  Birthdays just weren't complete without Mom's involvement. How ironic that my mom's last trip out to the beach was to … [Read more...]

Friday-Food-Frenzy: Green with Zucchini

For Friday-Food-Frenzy this week, we're talking zucchini.  Ok, I'm secretly hoping if we talk zucchini then maybe I'll start to see some yield from our zucchini plant in our garden.  It's frustrating. This plant has flowered with no vegetable in sight and, it has crawled along the ground in the garden and grown so huge that it has virtually hogged any sunlight due for the basil plant, cherry tomato plant and rosemary bush. But, we love zucchini and run out to the garden every day in search of some new growth.  Our favorite Zucchini Bread recipe … [Read more...]

Having Fun Making Whoopie (Pies)…

Visiting my daughter two weeks ago at her sleep away camp in Maine certainly took me down memory lane since I went away to camp for 9 summers in a row.  Of our two day trip, one full day was open-ended so I decided to take my son and husband to one of my favorite camp“Trip Day” excursions, Orchard Beach.  Orchard Beach is an old-school beach community that has an awesome old time amusement park along the beach- imagine a higher-end Coney Island. While you won’t see people fishing off the piers with raw chicken on a string, the beach is jam … [Read more...]