Archives for December 2011

Holiday Gingerbread

  Winter vacation isn’t complete without a family Gingerbread house construction. We love opening up the boxes, laying out all the candy pieces in an assembly line, and determining our creative design for the houses’ façade.  We laugh while we sneak eat at least 1/3 of the candy pieces. We have a grand old time watching our houses transform from 2D pieces to festive 3D creations; the perfect window display against winter’s snowy backdrop. Gingerbread house made last year Gingerbread house made this year With all our focus on … [Read more...]

Holiday Carrot Pudding

Don’t you feel like you’re on a constant sugar rush the entire month of December?  After all, it’s holiday time. We're all  hyper-focused on those festive treats: cakes, cookies, candy, pies.  Cookie recipes are swapped, sweet-toothed teacher gifts are distributed, candy canes are licked adnauseum.  Poor veggies.  They seem to always get the shaft. Well, who wants to talk about boiling broccoli or steaming asparagus when you can bake and design holiday shortbread cookies or make and break apart festive Peppermint Bark?  Let’s face it, the … [Read more...]

The Art of (Re)Gifting

It’s holiday time.  Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Work parties. School parties. Teacher gifts. Holiday cards. Secret Santas. Eight Days of Hanukkah. New Year’s. No one can deny: gift giving is synonymous with the month of December. And, let’s face it, if you don’t make lists, if you don’t plan ahead, someone is bound to inadvertently get left out. A common side effect to lack of planning?  Re-gifting. Come on.  Don’t you have that drawer somewhere in your home?  You know, that drawer … [Read more...]

Holiday Peppermint Bark

During the holiday season, I've suffered from homemade gift envy. My children’s schools have always had a “no gift” policy for the teachers.  They try to enforce the idea of homemade cards from the kids rather than store-bought items.  While I’d try to adhere to this highly-debated policy, I’d always find myself sneaking in a nominal gift card to Barnes and Nobles or iTunes alongside my kids' artwork. I  just had to reinforce my “thanks.” However, I never really felt satisfied.  I felt generic. I was envious when, year after year, I’d see … [Read more...]