Archives for September 2011

A Fine Line Between Letting Go and Moving On

 "All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." -Havelock Ellis I usually get very excited drumming up new posts ideas for this blog.  No post is ever really planned, I try to let the ideas come organically.  This past weekend, with the anniversary of 9/11 upon us, my focus and energy were not on MyJudytheFoodie and cooking and reminiscing about Mom and my childhood and the trials and tribulations of being a parent.   The sadness born from that horrible morning ten years earlier extinguished the beautiful … [Read more...]

The Benefits of Family Meal Prep

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it. ~Buddy Hackett It’s safe to say that the by-product of the back-to-school rush is a frenetic household environment.  Until a sense of routine is established, everything seems a little bit undone.  New start to the school day, different bus pick up times, later school days, after school, religious school, increase in homework – all of these factors exacerbate the pace of the day and usually what tends to suffer most is dinner time. For me, after a long harried day at … [Read more...]

Combating Your (Kids’) Jitters

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.  ~Albert Einstein After much anticipation, school is finally starting.  It couldn’t come at a better time.  The kids have spent almost every day together the past two weeks.  They need separation.  They need structure.  They need school.  I need separation. Isn’t it interesting how kids deal with anxiety?  Emotionally, my kids are split down the middle.   My son tends to err on the unflappable end of the spectrum (like my husband).  Conversely, my daughter’s … [Read more...]

So Long Summer, Hello Whatever-Comes-Next

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~Celia Thaxter  It seems like just yesterday we were kicking off Memorial Day weekend with the traditional burgers-and-dogs barbeque, watching our pale-faced kids enjoy the warmth of the sun and the extra day light hours.  Last night we were doing the same, except we were toasting to the end of Summer 2011 in our fleeces, watching our sun-kissed children roam around in our neighbor’s backyard!  As with the end to every summer, I’m left scratching my head wondering where the time went.  Last … [Read more...]