Archives for June 2014

Garlic Cauliflower

Last night I needed a hassle-free vegetable recipe that I could throw together just minutes before the meal. The day slipped away from me and I found myself frustrated and stressed that dinnertime arrived and I was staring into a half-empty fridge. However, I did have two heads of cauliflower that need to be used before they started to turn. Have you discovered the power of garlic, olive oil and sea salt with your vegetables? That’s all you need to make an easy, tasty, flavorful side. I took two garlic bulbs, chopped them up in my … [Read more...]

Tomato Pesto Soup

It’s Seriously Soup day today, featuring one of my favorite bloggers, Serena, author of the blog Seriously Soupy.  Serena started Seriously Soupy as a creative outlet for herself after her first daughter was born, which combined her passion for cooking with an interest in learning more about soups and soup making.  Since it started, she has given soup tours and taught soup classes and has a catalog of over 100 soups on the site!  You can join Serena on her Soupy journey at and twice a month you can find her here, at My Judy … [Read more...]

Father’s Day Slow Cooker Giveaway

Father’s Day is almost here. For me it’s become synonymous with mid-day gatherings, some tasty BBQ and quality family time. It’s also become the unofficial kick-off to summer as my kids have already completed school. Although Father’s Day is the same day on the calendar every year, regardless, I find myself scrounging to purchase and send gifts at the last minute. I do most of my shopping online because I just don’t have the time or patience to travel to the actual stores. I’ve found that Kohl’ has a wide selection of items perfect … [Read more...]

Broiled Grapefruit

This afternoon I realized we not only had NO FOOD in the fridge and pantry  but, I was not emotionally capable of cooking.  Yesterday was my son's last day of school and today is my daughter's.  Another year gone by--- all too quickly.  I'm totally reflective and melancholic. To my surprise, there were two lone grapefruits in the fruit crisper in my fridge and immediately knew I wanted to make … [Read more...]