Archives for February 2012

Stouffer’s Farmer’s Harvest Steam Meals = No Fuss Dishes

I have spent the past eight months trying to undo what I characterized as bad meal-related habits.  I now plan out my meals for the week, I only have one big shopping excursion to the food market before the start of the week and, I've not once opened a pre-packaged meal as a last minute fix for my kids.   I made a commitment to prepare every meal fresh for my kids. I believed any purchased boxed dish requiring microwave preheating before serving was an unhealthy shortcut to meal prep. And, my track record with prepared frozen meals was not … [Read more...]

Slow Cooked Nutella Swirl Pound Cake

  Cake in a slow cooker?  Sounds a bit strange right?  I mean, my adventures with my new slow cooker have only featured stews and soups and chillis.  It's hard to imagine "slow cooking" a cake.  Now, imagine slow cooking a pound cake!  I can count on one hand the number of times I've eaten pound cake in my lifetime (I mean, we call it Pound Cake for a reason). And, I'm certain most of those cakes were of the pre-packaged variety: But, when I came across this recipe over at The Naptime Chef, I just had to try it! It's first … [Read more...]

How To Spice Up The Rice In Your Life

Did you know that rice has fed more people over a longer period of time than any other crop?  Maybe that's why a rice dish doesn't sound so interesting when you're  trying to create your dinner menu. Apparently, as far back as 2500 B.C., rice has been documented in the history books as a dietary backbone for over half the world's population.  Rice has been heralded as a staple food to so many various cultures because it's able to be grown in such a wide spectrum of climates from the desert conditions of Saudi Arabia to the wetland deltas of … [Read more...]

Valentine’s Sweetheart Bark and Candy Buttons

Sweetheart Bark is the ideal candy for anyone who has experienced the gamut of emotions on Valentine's Day. Maybe your most intense memories date all the way back to grade school when you exchanged those cheesy VDay cards in those makeshift paper bag mailboxes. Or, maybe it was a Valentine's Day you spent broken-hearted, alone, cursing the Hallmark holiday. Or, perhaps it was a Valentine's Day with your loved one, in a romantic place, sharing an unforgettable moment. Or, maybe your most meaningful Valentine's Day has been as a … [Read more...]