Archives for June 2012

Blueberry Cucumber Feta Salad

  Yesterday I came home to a package from the US Highbush Blueberry Council.  It was bursting with cartons of blueberries! I was thrilled.  It’s high season for freshly-picked blueberries which runs from mid-June to mid-August.  The selection I received was perfect:  firm, plump dry berries with smooth skins and a silvery sheen.  And, I did exactly what I was told, I refrigerated the blueberries as soon as I got them and knew that I had to think of as many ways to use them within 10 days!   That's a lot of fresh … [Read more...]

Lemon Squares

If you’re craving a summertime dessert that’s light, sweet and tangy, Mom’s Lemon Squares recipe will satisfy your desire. Headed to a picnic and don't know what to bring? Lemon squares will compliment any lunchtime spread.  Not to mention, their bright yellow center with powdered sugar topping makes you want to celebrate the sunny summer days! These treats are so easy to whip up.  Trust me, you don’t need any culinary skills, nor do you need to waste a lot of time in the kitchen. Just mix the flour, powder sugar and butter and bake and … [Read more...]

Melon Slushie

This weekend we traveled to our hometown to celebrate Father’s Day with our extended family.  While we no longer have three generations of Dads around the table, we still fervently support every Hallmark occasion that recognizes family (and  food).  And, like all other Father’s Days, we indulged in a festive dinner outdoors- enjoying the picture perfect summer evening with the traditional BBQ fare: burgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken and all the sides you can imagine. Luckily I was off the hook for any of the meal preparation since I’m … [Read more...]

Giveaway: Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, and Ice Cream Maker

photo courtesy of   Congratulations to Lauren Kelly for winning the Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet and Ice Cream Maker!!! It's SUMMERTIME! The days are getting HOTTER. You're going to SWEAT more. You're going to crave anything that makes you feel COOL and REFRESHED! Who wouldn't want to INDULGE in some frozen yogurt, or sorbet, or ice cream? Growing up, I lived for the 3 o'clock hour when I'd hear that familiar ring to the Good Humour ice cream truck.  I'd race down the driveway with money in hand, salivating … [Read more...]