Archives for December 2014

Holiday Mantras

With the holidays upon us, I thought I'd share a little hit list* I usually reference to help me keep myself on track, so that I don't feel like I should resign myself to loose-fitting sweat pants to welcome in the New Year and beyond. Everything in moderation is my year-round mantra but, I love addressing these too: SHAKE MORE THAN YOUR SALT!   Exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, good cholesterol and blood pressure. “The Surgeon General recommends moderate-intensity activity for at least 150 minutes per week,” says Caroline … [Read more...]

Crater Pancakes

Perhaps the BEST (and easiest) pancake recipe ever. Why? While it only contains 3 ingredients, it looks and tastes like it's a gourmet recipe. We enjoyed this pancake recipe for dinner tonight and will eat left overs tomorrow morning. Bake it, add a little lemon juice and confectioner's sugar, and some raspberry jam, and you've got a hit on your hands. You must try this. End of story (and post). … [Read more...]

Cauliflower Soup

It’s officially starting to feel like the precursor to winter. Snow on Thanksgiving? To adapt, I’m kicking off my winter survival mode in the kitchen. So, beginning this week, the slow cooker will find a permanent place on the counter top as will the blender. Why? Because I slow cook meats and blend tons of soup—two hearty dishes ideal for wintertime. Last night I made a terrific Cauliflower Soup. It wasn’t intentional. I noticed that I had a head of cauliflower in the crisper that needed to be used and, I had been sent a Cauliflower soup … [Read more...]

Levin House Salad

Being with my extended family over this past holiday weekend made me very nostalgic.  As a young child, every Friday night we used to gather together at my grandmother's house to partake in an extended  family dinner.   Gram usually baked all of main dishes (including her famous chocolate pies).  My mother would always bring a side dish, and Uncle Buzz became known for his tasty house salad (served in a bowl that, at the time, looked as big as a bath tub). Now, 25 years after I moved out of the house for college and beyond, I still find … [Read more...]