Angel Food cake is one of my favorite sponge cakes. I adore its light airy texture laced with that hint of sweetness. In fact, to me, it doesn’t taste like cake at all, probably because it’s made from very basic ingredients like whipped egg whites, sugar and flour. Because of it’s angelic name, it doesn’t evoke any guilt for me when it’s eaten. Now, Devil’s Food Cake is a totally different story. I don’t remember Mom ever baking an Angel Food Cake from scratch but, I do have a faint memory helping her make Tiramisu. Instead … [Read more...]
Angel Food French Toast
Filed Under: Main Dishes, Recipes Tagged With: Angel Food French Toast recipe, Angel's Food Cake, breakfast recipe, french toast recipe 1 Comment
Oven-Baked French Toast

Earlier this week I was feeling light and uber healthy thanks to the Powerful Green Pomegranate Smoothie I drank and the Fat Free Sour Cream Bavarian dessert I ate. Today, not so much. Ever since Breakfast-for-Dinner nights have become such a hit with my kids, I've been trying to amp up my arsenal of breakfast options. It's so easy to slump into a cereal/yogurt/bagel rut simply because it's mindless and hassle-free. Who wants to deal with ovens and measurements and preparations for breakfast? I'm slowly learning that many "prepared" … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Main Dishes, Recipes Tagged With: baked french toast, breakfast options, french toast, french toast recipe 10 Comments