How to Boost Your Immune System

Please note, I wrote this article under contract for P&G.  It originally appeared at P&G Everyday. January and February have reeked havoc on those in the northeast.  After weeks and weeks of frigid temperatures with every form of participation imaginable (and a serious Flu epidemic going around the schools), it's imperative that we try to focus on fortifying our immune systems to help and maintain good health. Remember, it takes more than an apple a day to keep the doctor away. Simply tweaking your diet to focus on foods full … [Read more...]

How to Fortify Your Immune System

Your immune system provides your defenses against diseases. However, like anything else, sometimes it fails. Want to find out very simple, practical ways you can actually BOOST your immune system through healthier eating? Check out my latest post published at P&G Everyday, Boost Your Immune System with Healthier Eating: Because, let's face it, there's some truth in the expression, "you are what you eat." Being careful about your food routines and choices can make a huge impact on your defenses and … [Read more...]