Rustic Peach Tart

Summer is in full swing so it's only fair that we pay homage to the many succulent summer fruits that adorn the myriad farm stands. If you're trying to showcase your freshly-picked, ripened fruit, a tart recipe is the best (and easiest) way to do it.  I still drool over the Rustic Pear Tart I make every winter that was featured on the Epicurious blog! Technically, a tart is an open pastry case containing a filling.  In this particular recipe, your tender fruits are not just used for decoration or hidden beneath pie crust. Instead they … [Read more...]

Three Fruit Dips

There's nothing better during the summertime than freshly picked fruit - especially all of the seasonal melons readily available at the local farm stands. Fruit is always enjoyed in my home: baked in homemade pies, boiled down to jams, sliced and sprinkled over top our cereal, grilled, steeped in sangria.  You name it, we try to integrate it wherever. But, it's time to give fruit the spot light it deserves.  Instead of adding fruit to other dishes, let's focus on the fruit itself. My latest article at P&G Home Made Simple features … [Read more...]

Friday-Food-Frenzy: Keen on Peaches

My 6-year old son just acquired a taste for peaches.  Up until now, I'm fairly certain he was freaked by their fuzzy skin.  However, with our frequent fruit purchases at the Green Thumb, our local organic farm stand, he's warmed up to them. His peachy turning point was last week. My daughter and I were cutting all sorts of fresh summer fruits to put into our White Wine Sangria.  Thinking he was grabbing some apple chunks, he popped a pile of fruit into his mouth only to be pleasantly surprised that in fact, he had just eaten some deliciously … [Read more...]