Chicken Sliders w/ Cole Slaw

It’s a challenge coming up with new meals every night for my kids.  Over a year later, I’m still learning that when you find something that works, don’t stop there.  Challenge yourself to create other related dishes that will help stretch out your meal repertoire. For example, all of a sudden, we’re all about CABBAGE! Who would’ve thought? A year ago, my kids only willingly ate broccoli and maybe some mini carrots. Ever since they (reluctantly) tried my first tasty attempt at Brussels sprouts with Bacon & Maple Syrup, I’ve created … [Read more...]

Pumpkin Chip Pancakes

Every year during fall’s harvest my family pays proper homage to pumpkins.  Before I spent dedicated time in the kitchen, that simply involved going pumpkin picking and carving pumpkins.  Now that I’m cooking more, it means more pumpkin-based recipes! In fact, it seems we can’t get enough pumpkins.  Within the past week we’ve made: Cappuccino Chip Pumpkin Muffins, Pumpkin Brownies, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bread.  Tonight is Breakfast-for-Dinner Night – our favorite dinner of the week.  I’ll never really understand the thrill my kids get eating … [Read more...]

Video: How to Make Homemade Guacamole

    One of my biggest aha moments in the kitchen was when I realized that I could make homemade guacamole for a fraction of the cost of the store-bought varieties AND, it tastes great! Once I learned what an avocado actually looks like and how to select the perfectly ripe fruit, I haven't stopped making batches of fresh, creamy guacamole. In fact, raid my kitchen any week and I've always got at least 4 ripe avocados on the counter top and another 3-4 unripe avocados ripening in a brown paper bag in one of our kitchen … [Read more...]

Shaved Brussels sprouts with Olive Oil and Sea Salt

Something very strange has happened the past two nights for dinner:  my son has demanded vegetables!  I swear.   I thought I was having an out of body experience.  And, this morning for breakfast, he asked for vegetables, again: Brussels sprouts.  The past two days, all he’s eaten for the past two dinners is Brussels sprouts. If you’re scratching your head, I had the same thought: this is extremely uncharacteristic for a seven year old boy! And, I wasn’t intentionally trying to get him to eat his veggies either.  I simply made a new side … [Read more...]